Personal Statement

What is a Personal Statement and why is it important?

A compelling personal statement represents a key part of your Post-Baccalaureate application, as well as your future applications to medical or health profession programs. We encourage you to thoughtfully craft your personal statement, using it as a critical opportunity to introduce yourself uniquely to UConn’s Post-Baccalaureate program.

In your personal statement, we encourage you to share your motivation for pursuing medical/health profession fields; your unique and diverse experiences and challenges that have shaped you as an individual; any related clinical, research, and community service experiences; and how these have collectively influenced your pathway and desire to enroll in our Post-Baccalaureate program (approximately 750 words or less).

Questions to consider as you write your personal statement

  • Why are you motivated to choose medicine/health professions as a career?
  • What was the turning point(s) in your life that let you know that medicine/health professions was your career of choice?
  • What critical experiences have shaped you into who you are today?
  • What are your greatest strengths/competencies that you will contribute to your future as a healthcare practitioner?
  • What people or mentors most influenced your pathway and why?
  • What are your central values, and how will they shape your work as a future health practitioner?
  • How have your experiences with diversity, equity, and/or social justice issues framed your lens on health care?
  • What are your future goals and aspirations? Why?