Note: The application cycle for the Fall 2025 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program opens on January 1, 2025. The yearly application cycle runs from January 1 – May 1, 2025. Click this link to apply to our program. Once you are at the Intended Program tab in the online application, select Certificate/Health/Pre-Medical and Health Professions Post-Baccalaureate Certificate as the correct program to apply to.
Application Overview
The UConn Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program accepts applications for the fall semesters only. There is no option of enrolling to begin the program in the spring. Enrolling in courses during the summer is also discouraged; this time of year should be reserved for pursuing health care, research, and community service experience for personal growth. Historically, the most successful post-baccalaureate applicants have initiated their post-baccalaureate studies at least a year after completing their initial baccalaureate degree.
Note: The Pre-Medical and Health Professions Post-Baccalaureate Program does not participate in PostbacCAS to simplify and reduce the cost of the application process for our students. By not participating in PostbacCAS, we eliminate the need for submission of two applications (UConn and CAS) and payment of two fees.
The application allows for entry of the following items:
Personal background |
Enrollment Details (i.e., Program A vs. Program B; medical or dental focus) |
Experience |
Academic History |
Test Scores (NOT required for admission) |
Employment |
Essays & Documents (CV/Resume and Personal Statement are both required) |
Recommendations (three letters required from faculty, internship/shadowing supervisors, other professionals you have had medical or dental experiences/learning opportunities with) |
Graduate Supplemental |
Admission Disclosure |
We prefer that all materials be submitted electronically, but we do accept hard copies of specific materials such as letters of recommendation when necessary. Accepted students are required to provide official copies of college transcripts and test scores to be formally enrolled in the Post- Baccalaureate Program, but unofficial transcripts and test score uploads will be accepted for initial review.
Please note: We are not able to waive the application fee for the program.
International Applicants
Non-citizens with a green card who have completed their undergraduate work in other countries must submit a “translated and certified transcript,” which can be done through a special agency.
Interviews/Selection Process
The application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is May 1, 2025. No new applications can be started after the May 1 deadline. Completed applications are evaluated on a rolling basis, and priority consideration is given to applications that are completed early in the cycle; therefore, applicants are encouraged to submit all required elements of their application as soon as possible, and well in advance of the application deadline.
Applications that have been submitted with the application fee paid by end of day on May 1, and are in “Program Audit status” but are not yet completed with all required elements will be allowed one week from the application deadline (May 8) to submit ALL required application components in order to be considered for Fall admission (if openings remain). Any applications remaining in an “incomplete”, non-submitted status after May 1 and/or with any required components still missing after May 8 will be inactivated and will not be considered for admission. The program operates on a distinct schedule, separate from established Graduate School deadlines; therefore we cannot consider any appeals for extensions to both deadlines.
Candidates selected for interviews will have their appointments scheduled by the Enrichment Programs Office via the WebEx online platform. Applicants accepted to the program will receive individually tailored academic schedules and advisement at the Storrs campus.